Have you ever felt discomfort or sharp pain while eating an ice cream od drinking hot coffee? If this has happened to you, you aren’t alone. Thousands of people around the world experience problems with sensitive teeth every day and this problem is known as “dentin hypersensitivity”.
Dentin hypersensitivity is exactly what it sounds like: extreme sensitivity to certain stimuli such as very hot or cold temperatures of foods and beverages you consume.
This may be a temporary or a chronic problem and it can affect only one tooth, several teeth or the whole oral cavity. There is a number of different causes and symptoms of dentin hypersensitivity.
Major causes of sensitive teeth
These are the major causes of sensitive teeth:
Symptoms of sensitive teeth
People that have senstive teeth usually experience pain or discomfort while eating or drinking certain kinds of drinks or foods. These are some of the most common situations when people with sensitive teeth experience difficulties: