5 common teeth and gum diseases

All you need to know about sensitive teeth
January 8, 2019
Everything you need to know about cavities
January 24, 2019

Many people from all over the world have various health problems because of the lack of care for their teeth. We should consider our teeth as our greatest treasure since they, like many other of our body parts, can’t be easily replaced.

We constantly expose our teeth to pressure and damages caused by chewing or grinding our teeth during the night which makes them vunerable to different problems. We are all responsible for our oral hygiene and in order to take care of our teeth properly it is important to know which are the most common dental problems, what are their causes, symptoms and the proper treatment.

Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis can be quite an embarrassing problem. Around 85% percent of people have experienced some sort of problems with bad breath and one of the most common causes are various dental problems. Gum disease, cavities, dry mouth and bacteria on the tongue surface are some of these dental problems. You can try fixing the problem with chewing gum and moutwash but if this doesn’t help you should see a specialist.

Dry mouth

This is a condition where saliva glands are not able to produce enough salive in order to make the mouth moist enough. Saliva also containts different components which halp keep plaque away of the teeth surface. Dry mouth is caused by several things such as smoking, taking prescription medications, aging or stress.


Symptoms of gingivitis are red and swollen gums which tend to bleed while you are brushing your teeth. This condition is often caused by poor oral hygiene but it can be improved with professional dentist treatment and adequate oral hygiene. Some factors that may contribute to gingivits are diabetes, aging, genetic predisposition, systematic diseases and others.

Tooth Erosion

Tooth erosion is loss of tooth structure which is caused by an acid attacking the toot enamel. One of the first symptoms of tooth erosion is high teeth sensitivity and one of the most severe problems it can cause are cracking od the teeth. This is a fairly common condition which is easily treatable.

Sensitivity to cold

If you scream in pain each time you eat ice cream or drink something cold you should consider your teeth the root of the problem. There are different reasons why this is happening to you, such as cavities, worn tooth enamel, exposed roots and so on. In order to discover the source of the problem and receive proper treatment you must visit a dentist.


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